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Mantra 5 (posted 04/2007, updated 01/2022)  audio posted 01/2022  Book information on Home page

拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼 (往生咒)
Dhāranī for Rebirth in the Pure Land

namo amitābhāya tathāgatāya | tad-yathā oṁ amṛtod bhave | amṛta siddhaṁ bhave | amṛta vikrānte | amṛta vikrānta-gāmini | gagana kīrti-kare svāhā ||

*This is the short mantra for rebirth in Amitābha Buddha’s Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, also called amṛta (sweet dew) dhāraṇī. For teachings on His pure land, see sūtras no. 23–25 on this website.